|  |
| Rosaceae |
| Acaena
| Alchemilla
| Amelanchier
| Aronia
| Aruncus
| Chaenomeles
| Cotoneaster
| Crataegus
| Cydonia
| Dryas
| Duchesnea
| Exochorda
| Filipendula
| Fragaria
| Geum
| Gillenia
| Holodiscus
| Kerria
| Malus
| Mespilus
| Photinia
| Physocarpus
| Potentilla
| Prinsepia
| Prunus
| Pyracantha
| Pyrus
| Rhodotypos
| Rosa |
| 'A Shropshire Lad', F | | 'Aïcha', F | | 'Abraham Darby', F | | 'Acropolis', F | | 'Agrippina' | | 'Alan Titchmarsh' , F | | 'Alberich', F | | 'Albertine' , F | | 'Alchymist', F | | 'Alfred Colomb', F | | 'Allgold', F | | 'Aloha' , F | | 'Aloha' 2003, F | | 'Amadeus', F | | 'Amazing', F | | 'Ambassador'® | | 'Amber Abundance', F | | 'Amber Cover', F | | 'Amber Queen', F | | 'Amelia Renaissance', F | | 'Anne Cocker' , F | | 'Apfelblüte', F | | 'Aphrodite', F | | 'Aprikola', F | | 'Arthur Bell', F | | 'Ascot'®, F | | 'Aspirin Rose'®, F | | 'Astrid Gräfin von Hardenberg', F | | 'Astrid Lindgren'™, F | | 'Auckland Metro', F | | 'Augusta Luise', F | | 'Ave Maria' | | 'Ballerina', F | | 'Barock', F | | 'Bassino'®, F | | 'Bella Renaissance', F | | 'Benjamin Britten' | | 'Beys', F | | 'Biddulph Grange', F | | 'Blanc Double de Coubert', F | | 'Blanche Moreau' , F | | 'Bobbie James' , F | | 'Bonica 82', F | | 'Boule de Neige', F | | 'Buff Beauty', F | | 'Bukavu' | | 'Cardinal de Richelieu', F | | 'Carina', F | | 'Casanova', F | | 'Casino'®, F | | 'Célina', F | | 'Charles Austin'®, F | | 'Charles de Mills' | | 'Chavy Chase', F | | 'Chippendale'®, F | | 'Chopin', F | | 'Clair Matin', F | | 'Complicata', F | | 'Comte de Chambord', F | | 'Comtessa'®, F | | 'Constance Spry' ®, F | | 'Cottage Rose', F | | 'Crocus Rose', F | | 'Crown Princess Margareta', F | | 'Crystal Palace', F | | 'Die Welt'®, F | | 'Dortmund', F | | 'Double Delight'®, F | | 'Duftwolke', F | | 'Easy Does It', F | | 'Eglantyne', F | | 'Elbflorenz', F | | 'Elfe' | | 'Eliane Gillet' | | 'Elmshorn', F | | 'Emilien Guillot' | | 'Erotica' | | 'Europeana', F | | 'Evelyn', F | | 'Excelsa', F | | 'Fairy Dance'®, F | | 'Falstaff', F | | 'Fantin Latour', F | | 'Félicité Parmentier' | | 'First Lady' | | 'Fisherman's Friend', F | | 'Flammentanz', F | | 'Flora Danica'™, F | | 'Freisinger Morgenröte' | | 'Friesia', F | | 'Frühlingsduft', F | | 'Frühlingsgold', F | | 'Gebrüder Grimm', F | | 'Geisha', F | | 'Geoff Hamilton', F | | 'Geranium', F | | 'Gertrude Jekyll', F | | 'Ghislaine de Féligonde', F | | 'Glamis Castle', F | | 'Gold Glow' | | 'Goldelse', F | | 'Golden Celebration', F | | 'Golden Cover'™, F | | 'Golden Showers', F | | 'Grace', F | | 'Graceful Palace', F | | 'Graham Thomas', F | | 'Gruß an Aachen', F | | 'Guletta' | | 'Hanabi', F | | 'HARjangle' WELL-BEING | | 'Harlekin'®, F | | 'Händel', F | | 'Heidetraum', F | | 'Hella', F | | 'Henri Martin', F | | 'Heritage', F | | 'Hocus Pocus', F | | 'Horcoexist' STAR PROFUSION, F | | 'Iceberg Clg', F | | 'Iceberg', F | | 'Ilse Krohn Superior', F | | 'Ingrid Bergman', F | | 'INTereybabnus' SUNSHINE BABYLON EYES, F | | 'Irena Sendlerowa', F | | 'Jacques Cartier', F | | 'JACreton' RUBY POP | | 'Jitka', F | | 'Just Joey', F | | 'Kalmar', F | | 'KORjoslio' ALASKA | | 'Kronenbourg', F | | 'L.D.Braithwaite', F | | 'La Perla', F | | 'La Sevillana'® | | 'Landora', F | | 'Lavender Cover', F | | 'Lavender Dream'®, F | | 'Lichfield Angel'®, F | | 'Lichtkönigin Lucia', F | | 'Lilli Marlene', F | | 'Lions Rose', F | | 'Livin' Easy'™, F | | 'Lolita', F | | 'Louise Odier', F | | 'Lykkefund', F | | 'Madame Pierre Oger', F | | 'Magenta', F | | 'Mainzer Fastnacht', F | | 'Mandarin', F | | 'Margo Koster', F | | 'Marguerite Hilling', F | | 'Mariatheresia'® | | 'Marie Curie' ®, F | | 'Marselisborg'™, F | | 'Mary Rose', F | | 'Mayflower', F | | 'Meicloux' PIGALLE | | 'Memoire', F | | 'Merkury 2000' | | 'Mme Isaac Pereire', F | | 'Molineux', F | | 'Monica', F | | 'Montezuma', F | | 'Morgengruss', F | | 'Mortimer Sackler', F | | 'Mount Shasta', F | | 'Mozart', F | | 'Mr.Lincoln', F | | 'Mrs. John Laing', F | | 'Munstead Wood', F | | 'Nevada', F | | 'New Dawn', F | | 'New Imagine', F | | 'Nostalgie'®, F | | 'Novalis', F | | 'November Rain', F | | 'Nozomi', F | | 'Ondella' | | 'Orange Muttertag' | | 'Oranges and Lemons', F | | 'Othello'®, F | | 'Papa Meilland', F | | 'Papageno', F | | 'Pastella' | | 'Pat Austin', F | | 'Paul's Himalayan Musk', F | | 'Peace', F | | 'PEJbigeye' EYES FOR YOU, F | | 'Pierre de Ronsard'®, F | | 'Pink Grootendorst', F | | 'Poppius', F | | 'Postillion' ®, F | | 'Prof.Kownas' | | 'Queen Elizabeth', F | | 'Queen of Bourbons', F | | 'Red Eden Rose', F | | 'Red Fairy' | | 'Red Leonardo da Vinci', F | | 'Reine des Violettes', F | | 'Reine Victoria', F | | 'Rhapsody in Blue', F | | 'Rokoko' | | 'Rosarium Uetersen', F | | 'Rose de Resht', F | | 'Rose Gaujard'®, F | | 'Rotes Meer', F | | 'Rumba', F | | 'Sahara'®, F | | 'Scarlet Meidiland' | | 'Scepter'd Isle', F | | 'Schneewalzer', F | | 'Sea Foam', F | | 'Sekel', F | | 'Soleil d'Or' | | 'Solo Mio'™, F | | 'Sommerwind'®, F | | 'Sonnenschirm', F | | 'Souvenir de Baden-Baden', F | | 'Souvenir Du Docteur Jamain', F | | 'SPEruge' RED DAGMAR | | 'Stanwell Perpetual', F | | 'Super Dorothy' | | 'Super Excelsa', F | | 'Super Star'®, F | | 'Sutter's Gold', F | | 'Swany', F | | 'Sweet Dream', F | | 'Sweet Juliet', F | | 'Sweet Pretty'®, F | | 'Sympathie', F | | 'TAN98106' GLOED, F | | 'TANispil' LIPSTICK | | 'TANoronez' RED MIRATO | | 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' | | 'The Countryman', F | | 'The Dark Lady', F | | 'The Fairy', F | | 'The Generous Gardener', F | | 'The Herbalist', F | | 'The Pilgrim', F | | 'The Prince', F | | 'The Squire' | | 'Tommelise', F | | 'Ulmer Münster', F | | 'Uncle Walter', F | | 'Veilchenblau', F | | 'Waltz Time', F | | 'Warwick Castle', F | | 'Wedding Day', F | | 'WEKglezneo' TIDDLY WINKS | | 'Wenlock' | | 'Westerland', F | | 'White Cover', F | | 'White Fairy', F | | 'White Meidiland', F | | 'Wiener Charme', F | | 'Wife of Bath', F | | 'William Lobb', F | | 'William Shakespeare 2000', F | | 'William Shakespeare', F | | 'Winchester Cathedral', F | | 'Yellow Flower Carpet', F | | 'Zephirine Drouhin', F | | 'Zorba'™ | | GLORIOUS BABYLON EYES, F | | canina , F | | chinensis | | chinensis 'Viridiflora', F | | foetida , F | | foetida 'Persian Yellow', F | | foetida var. bicolor , F | | gallica , F | | gallica 'Hippolyte', F | | gallica 'Officinalis' , F | | gallica 'Tuscany Superb' , F | | gallica 'Tuscany' , F | | gallica 'Versicolor', F | | glauca , F | | jundzillii | | majalis , F | | multiflora , F | | nitida , F | | palustris , F | | pendulina , F | | pimpinellifolia , F | | pimpinellifolia 'Plena', F | | rugosa , F | | rugosa 'Alba', F | | rugosa 'Robusta', F | | rugosa var.plena, F | | villosa , F | | x alba 'Celestial', F | | x alba 'Hurdalsrose', F | | x alba 'Maiden's Blush', F | | x alba 'Maxima', F | | x alba 'Queen of Denmark', F | | x centifolia | | x centifolia 'Muscosa', F | | x damascena 'Madame Hardy', F | | x jacksonii 'Max Graf', F | | x kordesii 'Rote Max Graf', F | | x odorata 'Mutabilis', F | | x rugosa 'Agnes', F | | x rugosa 'F.J.Grootendorst', F | | x rugosa 'Hansa', F | | x rugosa 'STRonin' POLAR ICE, F | | x rugosa 'Therese Bugnet', F | | x rugotida , F | | Rubus
| Sanguisorba
| Sibbaldia
| Sibiraea
| Sorbaria
| Sorbus
| Spiraea
| Stephanandra
| Waldsteinia